When did your family move to The Bronx? Why?
What work did your parents do?
What are your earliest memories of The Bronx?
How old were you when your family moved to the Patterson Houses?
I was between 3 and 4 years old, and it was around 1961. My parents said our apartment building on e. 67th st (between 2nd and 3rd) was slated for demolition. My dad worked with another Frenchman who had moved to the Westchester Square section of the Bronx, so that is where we moved. Now instead of walking to work at his waiter's job at the Carlyle Hotel on Madison Ave., my dad had about a 40-minute commute. My mom was very sad to leave Manhattan.
So you went to elementary school in the mid 1950s and then junior high and high school in the early 60s. What was the atmosphere of the Patterson Houses like in the 50s and early60s? Did it feel like a safe place at the time?
Was the building clean?
Were there any minority families in the buildings?
So it was a mixture of nationalities?
What was the atmosphere like in the schools. How different were public and private schools? and the junior high?
What were your first memories of music as you were growing up?
The Bronx in the 70s, was known for having a lot of gangs. Do you recall any or have any experiences of them? Were people getting killed?
What were the police like?
Was it your impression that most of the families were two parent families when you moved in?
What did the parents do for work?
What about role models?
What changes do you recall about technology?
Did you experience peer pressure?
Need to succeed in school? Ambitions?
What about dating and sex?
Would you say it was a good place to grow up? A safe place?
Now what about entertainment? Did you mostly go places close to home or did you feel comfortable going around the Bronx or Manhattan?
And what about movie theaters? Were there movie theaters within walking distance?
What about summers? Going to the beach?
What sports were the most popular?
What about fashion? Did kids feel the need for nice clothes?
How did the Vietnam War affect your life. Were guys you grew up with worried about being drafted?
What were your experiences with blacks?
What were your experiences with pot, coke, heroin etc?
What years are you talking about here?
Did you see drugs as a major problem in the neighborhood?
What about gambling?
What do you think motivated people to move to or from the neighborhood?
What kind of changes were going on as far as development or deterioration?
What were some of the things you could or couldn’t do?
What impression would you most like to leave readers with when thinking about life in the Bronx?